FIRST Robotics Competition is an international robotics competition. Each year, teams of students and mentors work hard to build the best robots capable of competing in that year's game, weighing up to 125 pounds. I was lucky enough to compete one year (my club's rookie season) and build a robot (but not compete due to COVID) the next year.
Designed and built a battery-chiller test setup, using a programmable logic controller (PLC) to collect a wide variety of data. The data was analyzed in order to convince customers to purchase battery chillers in warmer climates, or when their EVs had to run for an extended period.
Over the course of a year, I designed, built, and programmed a robotic arm prototype whose goal was to plug in electric cars automatically. Furthermore, I wrote a report on the project detailing market research, a plan for manufacturing, safety constraints, and more.
Precharge circuits are vital to any electric vehicle in order to ensure that it does not weld the relays closed. I was tasked with designing, building, and testing a precharge circuit that could fit in our controller box, which has passed our customers' tests (@750V) and is used in real EVs today.
Astrobotics is a design team that competes in the NASA Robotic Mining Competition, a challenge for college teams based on the current Mars missions. We compete on several criteria including systems engineering, project management, weight, power management, autonomy, & outreach.
Our school's administration asked our robotics club to update our display case, so my friend Areej and I stepped up to the challenge. We created a design based around the penrose tiles, an infinite pattern, which will continue to grow for years to come. We also laser cut a QR code to take curious viewers through a slideshow explaining the piece.
During my second semester at Tech, I developed an interest in woodworking and wanted to attempt a classic project. My cutting board features both hard walnut and maple, a small chamfer on both sides, and my signature burned into the corner of the piece.
I wanted an efficient way to plan my courses & my results in them. With this Google Sheet, I can do all of that and more! Using the power of Google Apps Script, I calculate my GPA and in-major GPA, as well as color code information to make it easier to interpret.
I taught kids STEAM through CodeREV's summer camp program, exposing them to engineering ideas at a very early age. I taught children aged from 5 to 11 years old how to code in a way that was exciting for them! By the end of our camp, the kids were inspired to continue coding, and that is the real value I gave them.
Giving back to your community is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Over the course of my life I have been lucky enough to be given knowledge, opportunities, and people's time for free. I believe I should give back to my community, to try to pay what little I can forward.