Henry Mazaika

My Course Planner

& custom functions in Google Sheets

Overall Structure

My planner is on Google Sheets and divided into several sub-sheets, or tabs. The first tab is the setup tab, letting me input my major and starting year. The next tab, Classes, is a space for me to write down notes on potential classes. The Pathways tab is how I planned my Gen Eds, and the Transfer Credits tab provides a place to input those. Most importantly, I have a tab for each of my four undergraduate years, to input all of my classes and grades.

Letters to Points

At first, I input the grade that I got in a class by converting letters to points manually. For the planner to do that for me, I wrote my first GAS (Google Apps Script) function in JavaScript. This made a lot of calls to the server (one per class), so I made a wrapper function that took an array of grades and now it only makes two calls to the server.

If/Else Shorthand in JS